Friday, September 16, 2011

An abortion in Korea

I'm a female teacher in South Korea. As many of you know, it can be a bit difficult to navigate the medical system in Korea without speaking the language. That is the main purpose of this blog: to provide women in Korea with information on obtaining an abortion in Korea

So, where to begin? Earlier this week I suspected that I might be pregnant. After stressing about it for a few days, I sent my boyfriend out to buy a pregnancy test. Ladies, if you plan on buying your own kit, I suggest leaving your immediate area just in case someone from your school recognizes you, or worse, that the pharmacist is a parent of one of your kids. People gossip, no reason to give them ammunition. Anyhow, "pregnancy test" in Korean is "임신테스트 ." Just write it down and show it to the pharmacist. I suggest getting 2 just in case one is faulty. Be sure to ask the pharmacist how to read the results. Generally, 1 line means negative, 2 lines means positive, and no lines means the test did not work. 

I brought the test home, and did it, only to find 2 blank screens--faulty. I waited several minutes and checked it again, this time finding 2 lines--positive. I immediately broke down and cried. Shortly thereafter I took test #2, which immediately gave me a positive result, cementing what I had feared for the last week.

I began to research abortions in Korea, using various combinations of keywords, including abortions + Korea + foreigner, and a variety of others. Sadly, very little information was available. Most of the results were newspaper archives in which the legality of abortions was discussed. Abortions are technically illegal in Korea, although they are performed routinely and in large numbers. The Korea Federation for HIV/AIDS Prevention stated that more than 1 out of 4 sexually active females in high school have had an abortion. I have also read that women abort fetuses for a variety of reasons including sex of the child (with male being preferred over female), readiness to care for a baby, and unwillingness to stop taking diet pills while pregnant.

I did manage to find some useful information, which I will include at the end of this post. A friend of mine recommended Bundang Cheil Women’s Hospital, near Seohyeon station on the yellow subway line. I decided to call them, and after asking for an English speaker, I was put on the line with a doctor. After explaining to him that I needed an abortion, he asked if I was a Christian, and immediately followed that with “What kind of Christian are you?” Scared and terrified, I hung up and sobbed. I was sure that this was the attitude I would encounter with any place I tried. Thoughts of fleeing the country to get an abortion in America crossed my mind; the thought of having to carry the child crippled me with fear.

I continued searching, and found Hosan Women’s Hospital. My boyfriend called, was put on the line with an English speaker, and was told that abortions are performed and we should come the next day at 9:30 in the morning. I felt relieved to know that I had found a place, and a new fear came over me: how much will this whole thing cost? Because abortions are illegal in Korea, doctors face up to 2 years in jail and losing their license if they are found to be performing them, so they are taking a huge risk in providing the service. I was prepared to pay as much as 2 million won.

The next morning I decided not to eat or drink anything in case the procedure could be done the same day. Then, we headed to Hosan Hospital (directions and all necessary information will be at the end). When we arrived, we asked for an English speaker, and were brought into the office of Dr. Park, who spoke English as though he was a native speaker. I was immediately relieved. He explained to me that the procedure could only be performed if the fertilized egg has moved into the uterus, and he would have to check to see if that was the case. He performed an ultrasound, confirming that I was, indeed pregnant (about 5 weeks along) and that the procedure could be done that day.

I was ready to cry with joy. Not only was the doctor an excellent English speaker, but I felt safe in his care. He said I would be “lightly knocked out” but not fully anesthetized, and that the procedure would only take 5 minutes. I was moved to a room, given a gown, and told to come to the operating room. After lying down, I was given an IV of fluids, strapped to a heart monitor, and given oxygen. When the doctor came in, the “knock out drug” was administered and I was out. When I awoke, I heard my boyfriend in the hall asking if I was OK. I answered, “I’m fine, they haven’t even done the procedure yet.” It turns out, they were finished and I didn’t feel a thing. The doctor had gone into the waiting room to inform my boyfriend that everything went smoothly, and to give him a hug. The nurse helped me get dressed and walked me into the recovery room, where I would have to stay hooked up to an IV for an hour before I could be released.  The pain began to set in, feeling like intense cramps. The doctor came to visit me, told me everything was fine and he’d like to see me back in a week for a follow up. I was given medicine and stayed in the bed for one hour. Here’s the tough part: it cost 500,000 won! I guess it could have been worse.

I was amazed and how smoothly and quickly things went after I was able to find a hospital that performs this procedure. So, that’s my story. The procedure was completed several hours ago and I feel OK and at peace with my decision. I decided to write this blog so other women in Korea don’t have to go through the agony of finding help.

Here are all the necessary details:

  1. Before your procedure, do not drink or eat anything after midnight the previous morning. They will not perform the procedure if you had.
  2. I will only list one abortion provider in the Seoul area, because I believe he is worth the travel time, not to mention this is the only place I have personal experience with. The doctor here genuinely cares and is able to communicate freely, which I find to be very important.

Hosan Women’s Hospital
Tel.:02) 546-3674            02) 546-3674      
Address: 617-5 Shinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
Apgujeong Stn.  Exit 2

Walk out exit 2 and turn around (don’t walk straight, walk in the opposite direction and turn right). Keep walking until the first major intersection with a light, and turn right again. It will be on your right hand side. Take the elevator to the 2nd floor and ask a receptionist for the following doctor:

The doctor told me to have possible patients contact him directly, but I'm nervous about putting his information online because abortions are, after all, technically illegal here. So, if you want the info for the doctor, write a comment on this post and I'll send the information privately. Otherwise, I am sure if you go to the hospital they will direct you to this doctor anyway. 

As terrifying as this experience was, it was resolved quickly and I could not be more thankful for Dr. Park. That is all, I will keep this blog active even after I leave Korea, so if you have any questions, post a comment and I will respond with any information I have left.

I hope this has been helpful. 

6/9/2012 edit: I received an email asking about the abortion pill. After telling the girl that I had no idea how to obtain it in Korea, she did some research on her own and passed it on to me. Here's the info for anyone that's interested. Just know, I have no personal experience with this, I'm just passing on some information that I thought might be helpful. Always evaluate your options and make the decision best for you. its his email and 070 7946 8580 its his phone number
and i know there are a lot of fake pills online
but they really do give u ru 486 and he is really caring 
im not sure if he speaks english 
and i asked him if he minds if i post it online and he says its fine 
and you can tell them u got the number from " Eunju  Kim" 
i figure it would help a lot of woman in korea if u can add that up..
and u can also take the pills first and pay him later (with in a week or so)
only if it worked so its like better than money back crap

08/01/2012 edit: I'll be leaving Korea shortly so I won't really be able to respond to any emails. The information provided in the blog should be sufficient to get you the answers you need. Just call the number, press 1, and ask to speak to Dr. Park or to someone that speaks English (it will be Dr. Park anyway). Take care, everyone!


  1. Aside from the what, where and hows of getting an abortion in Korea, what did actually learn?

  2. Thank you so much for posting this! Luckily I haven't been in such a situation (although I have had to purchase a pregnancy test here; thankfully, I was just late). I can only imagine how difficult it would be to get accurate information in English without something like this online.

  3. Anonymous: The purpose of this blog was to provide women in this situation with the whats, wheres, and hows of dealing with this situation, and I think I've done that quite nicely. However, what I did learn is that this sort of information should not be hidden from those in need of it. Also, despite being adamantly pro-choice, this is still a difficult thing to go through and women should make sure they have a strong support group.

    Anonymity: Thank you for reading. Spread the word. It was extremely difficult for me to find information on the topic, so please get the information out there.

    1. hi im also in need of an abortion done asap if you could please send me the information

    2. Hi can you email me regarding the information about abortion

      Thank you !

  4. i hope i never need this information, but if so, thank you.

  5. useful information, thank you for sharing. I hope the provided information doesn't result in the doctor being punished...

  6. from Roni: The information posted on here was available on several other websites so I don't think it will be an issue. I did not include the information of the doctor so I think it will be OK.

  7. Thank you so much for sharing your story and the information.

  8. Have you thought about writing another post with contact information and addresses for womens' clinics in other parts of seoul, or other partx of the country? that would be really useful.

  9. almost any OBGYN will preform an abortion in Korea. Most will not say that on the phone but if you go in it will be done or they will direct you to where you can have one.

    1. Do you know if it is cheaper through an OBGYN?

  10. Rob-o-SE-yo: I don't know how I would feel writing a post like that without having a personal experience with the doctor. As the last person to post said, apparently contacting any OBGYN will lead to helpful information, I wish I had known that. I guess my best advice would be to ask a doctor they can trust for information.

  11. Wow! That is a good thing you're doing by posting this info. online. I don't need the procedure, but you are no doubt helping others that might.

  12. omg...thank you so much. i was in my room nearly crying because i couldnt find any info. i dont know if i'll need this done or not (yet....too early to test still..sigh) but i'm glad its here if i do. really u are a godsend!

  13. could you please give the detail of this doctor you are talking about... i haven't done the test yet but i think i will need it ....

  14. Hi. I don't feel comfortable posting the information for the specific doctor on this site, sorry. If you have a decoy email address you'd like to post I can send it to you that way. Otherwise, the information for the hospital is provided, and he is the main doctor in charge of those procedures, and the only one that speaks fantastic English, so I am positive you would be directed to him. You don't need to make an appointment so you can just walk in and tell the staff you need to speak to an English-speaking doctor.

    1. Hi there, I need an abortion this is quiete urgent. I was also struggling to find a decent clinic. Can you please send me the information for your doctor ? Thanks - Marina

  15. How do we get more info without post our contact info publicly?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Is it possible to receive a temporary contact listing from you? Would like to ask for it to request you remove my previously posted contact info on this page

  17. Thank you. Just, thank you.

  18. Hi! Just emailed you!

  19. Thank you for this.. I just emailed you.

  20. I just emailed you- hope to hear from you soon!

  21. Hi Just emailed you

  22. Just sent an email. Hope to hear from you.

  23. I just sent you an e-mail.
    Thank you for this blog!!

  24. Not sure why this isn't posting but I emailed you.

  25. Thank you! And emailed.

  26. Hi what is your email address? I would like to get Dr.Park's info as I am a foreigner in the same situation. Thank you so much~

    1. Hey I just emailed you, hope to hear from you soon.

  27. I just send you an email. Thanks for providing this information!

  28. hi, i just sent you an email. thank you.

  29. I sent you an email. thanks

  30. Hi, I sent you an email, thanks...

  31. Hi, just sent you email requesting info. Thanks a million!

  32. can i ask the no, of dr, park? thanks a lot..godbless

  33. Just sent an email. Thanks.

  34. Hi I will send an email soon. Thank you so much

  35. Hello I sent an email about two days ago please respond if you see this. Thank you

  36. I just emailed you also. Thank you for making this blog. Honestly i'm terrified and didn't know what to do or even think..

  37. Hi I have just emailed you. Thank you for putting this up

  38. Thank you so much for posting this. I'm going through a similar experience. After doing more research I also found this website for those we do not live in the Seoul area or prefer to go through this experience privately. After an online consultation with a doctor they will send the abortion pill to you if you meet the requirements. It seems legitimate, and people living in South Korea qualify:

    Again, thank you for posting this blog. I was feeling terrified before I read it.

    1. I am going through this situation right now. Do you know if is a trusted site? I was looking at it too but was unsure about getting the pill through the mail. I'm just very very unsure.

    2. Hi there. I don't know much about this site at all. Another person recommended it. My best advice would be to search the web to see what you can find out about this site.

    3. I just contacted and I hope it works out well! am worried!

  39. I just emailed you.Please reply.Thank you very much

  40. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You cannot know how much of a service you have provided by posting this blog about something so private. I currently live in Korea and am going through a scare at the moment. Hoping that I won't have to go through your same steps but so glad to know that there is someone out there who has. Thank you.

  41. I emailed you today from yahoo account. Looking for your reply. Thank you.

  42. Thank you for this information. I just emailed. I am looking forward to your response as soon as possible.

  43. I just emailed you. Thank you for this blog, its very reassuring.

  44. Please check your mail.

  45. I just sent you an email. Thanks so much!

  46. Just sent an e-mail, thanks for this information!

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. I just emailed! Save us! And thank you so much!

  49. can i also get the address of the doctor

    1. The address is posted in the blog.

  50. hi, thank you for this post and sharing this rare information.
    I just emailed you!

  51. Thank you very much for the very helpful blog. The information is excellent. I was hoping, could you please mail me the details of the Dr asap. Also do you know if they would accept someone without an appointment? Thanks again.

  52. Hi Roni,

    I have just sent an email to you. Please reply. thank you.

  53. Hi Roni. My girlfriend and I need help. We're in the same situation. I sent you an email. Thank you for your openness and kindness.

  54. I need your help! I will email you!

  55. I just emailed you please reply! Thanks again for your openness!

  56. i just emailed you. thank you so much for sharing your story and your contact.

  57. Hi, I will be emailing you. Thanks.

  58. Hi, I sent you another email. Thanks.

  59. Thanks for the info..... I will e-mail you .....

  60. I am glad you were able to find a doctor who did not judge you for your decision and took care of you. I am living in Louisiana and just went through the procedure in the past couple of days. Louisiana is the most religious state in the United States and it seemed almost impossible to find support, but I too was able to find it. I got pregnant on the copper IUD and am a little lost as to what to do for birth control next, but I am thinking about getting the Mirena although I am a little worried about the hormones... It is supposed to be a little more effective due to the progestin. I can't imagine having to get a shot every 3 months and the implant sounds too painful...
    Well I just wanted to share my experience and tell you that I am truly glad that you were able to find a good doctor.

  61. Idk if this sent the first time but thank yu for posting this, can yu privately send Dr. Parks info to me as well thank you n advance

  62. I just sent you email. hope to get your feedback soon. Does anyone know about abortion pill using in Korea? Can anyone suggest the good place for taking meds instead of operation?

  63. I have just emailed you. Thank a lots.

  64. I have sent you an email -- thanks.

  65. I have just sent you email. Thank a lots

  66. I think you are putting the hospital and that man in heaps of legal trouble by posting the information online, though I applaud your bravery and willingness to share all of this information.

  67. I have just sent you email. Thank a lots

  68. just sent you an email please check

  69. Thanks a lot Thanks

  70. Just sent you an e-mail. Thank you very much.

  71. Thank you for this information. I will email you now.

  72. How many days does it take to rest after doing it?

    1. You could theoretically go back to work the following day. It isn't very demanding on the body.

  73. Sent you an email, Thank you for sharing your experience

  74. Thank you so much for the information. I have been scared to death after most articles I read but yours has put me more at ease and I have an appointment with him in the morning.

  75. Im so glad that i found this blog...and just wanna say thank you for sharing this information.. im not sure if im pregnant yet.. im gonna but the pregnancy test tomorrow. but i was looking where i can find this kind of hospital in korea, thank you so much. Now i feel relieved.. i know that i can get out of this if the test goes positive. thank you again

  76. I find out the news yesterday that I am 2 weeks pregnant. I have not told anyone yet, not even my boyfriend. I am beside myself and in total shock and I was researching my options considering I am living here in Korea. It was nice to find this blog and see that it wasn't too dangerous or that the doctor was not judgmental and rude. Thank you for this.

  77. Hello,
    Thank you very much for your information. I am going through an stressful moment right now and reading your blog just gave me some relief. I would appreciate if you could send me privately the information of Dr. Park so I can contact him directly. Please email it to me at

    Thanks a lot.

  78. This blog helped so much. Please email the doctors contact info to me at


  79. I commend you for sharing such a private circumstance that happened to you while living in a foreign country. Out of all places, Korea. I know it is illegal here but many doctors can do an abortion. I am currently having such a scare at the moment with very strange symptoms much more sever than PMS. I am going to take a test today but I really cannot have a child here in this country. I am single and am a teacher. I can lose my job if I keep the child. I am on the pill and take it everyday at the same time. I've never missed a pill but certainly am having a hectic time at the moment worrying. If it happened to you it can happen to any woman. I say it, and I will say it again, birth control is not 100% effective. I am hope the test comes out negative but my symptoms worry me very much.

    Thank you for giving useful information to the foreigners here.

  80. For the writer of this blog and anyone who has had an abortion, I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sorry that you felt compelled to erase such a beautiful creature from this world. I am not criticizing you, nor judging you. I am merely trying to show love. I'm sorry that we live in a world where pregnancies can even be thought of as troublesome, where women can be punished for being pregnant, where children cannot be thought of as precious gifts but diseases to be eliminated. I hope that this world changes. Again, I pour my love out to you all.

  81. My girlfriend and I followed the advice we found in this blog, and it was the best decision we could have made. The doctor and after-care nurse were personable, compassionate, and professional, and the entire procedure lasted less than 5 minutes. We called at 1pm on a Thursday, and we were seen the following morning at 9am. Thank you so much for posting this information and for turning what could have been a very difficult situation into a manageable one.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Hi can you please email me the Drs information.

    Thanking you

  84. Hi could you email me the doctor's information? Thank you.

  85. Just wanted to say "thank you for this information!" I had a pregnancy scare a while ago and this article helped me get help. Turned out I wasn't pregnant but had an ovarian cyst. Luckily I'm ok now. I just wanted to thank you for sharing this info. It makes me sad and mad that all forms of women's reproductive health is in the dark...


  87. Thank you so much for posting this. It´s too hard to find help in korea. Please please email the doctor´s information to:

    Thank you so much!

  88. Thank you for posting this information, it's a great help for them who are struggling with language like me. I may be required contact information about Dr. and how to get it done.


  89. can you help me please :D

  90. Do you have any other trustworthy doctors or Hospitals.

    Thank you!

  91. Hello Could you please email me his contace information.
    thank you

  92. Hi my email in

  93. Hi can I get an email to (yes i made a separate email address just for this) thank you so much.

  94. Thank you so much for posting this. Please please email the doctor´s information to:

  95. Hey thanks for posting this, you are really brave

    would you send me the doctors information to

  96. Hey Also I have tried to Email the guy with the abortion pill but the email gets rejected or sent back, do you have any updated info on how to contact him?

    Email me at

  97. Could you please email the contact information of the doctor to me?
    Please I really need it!!!
    God bless you
    Please email to

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  100. can you please send me the doctors info?
    thank you so much

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    Thank you very much

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